college internships

where is God calling you?

book drive

collect books for summer reading program

summer programs

improving literacy and social-emotional development

get involved

connecting churches in ministry with the community


join us in transforming lives

My child enjoyed all aspects of the program! The young adults are amazing!
Clarke Elementary Parent


College-age Young Adults invest in the lives of children while living in community, exploring their calling, and developing as leaders.

Children improve their literacy, social-emotional, and spiritual development through participating in high-quality, out-of-school time programs led by college-age young adults.

Churches partner with our out-of-school time programs, connecting and building relationships with their neighbors.

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Project Transformation will engage college-age young adults in ministry and service with children in 3 camp sites located in communities which are under-resourced.

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Book Drive: Why and How to

In 2012, according to a Research Study on Textbook Recycling, there was an estimated 640,000 tons