Young Adult Internship

Project Transformation Central Texas is a faith-based, paid summer internship for young adults that offers hands-on opportunities to build mutually enriching relationships with children, live in intentional community, experience cultural and socio-economic diversity, and explore various careers through vocational discernment.

Applicants must have completed one year of college or be at least 19 years old (by May 2024), and must have the legal right to work in the U.S.

Competitive applicants for the Internship will:

Be highly motivated, self-starters

Consider yourself a lifelong learner

Possess strong interpersonal and communication skills

Enjoy working with children

Be open-minded

Have a desire to love and serve others

Be dedicated to living in intentional community with other young adults.

There are five primary components to the Project Transformation Central Texas internship experience:

Day Camp
During the summer program, Project Transformation Central Texas interns work in teams to implement an eight-week summer day camp for elementary children. Sites are located in communities experiencing marginalization. Components of the program include: a one-to-one reading program, Bible lesson, arts enrichment, music, recreational activities, and other activities in which the gifts and talents of the interns can be shared with the children.

I have learned that God can do things that people can’t imagine.
- 5th Grade Participant

Community Living
An integral component of the summer internship is the opportunity to live in intentional community for the duration of the internship experience. Interns live together on the beautiful campus of Texas Wesleyan University in Fort Worth and experience daily life in a diverse, Christ-centered community. Interns are encouraged to participate in social activities and build relationships with other members of the PT community.

Vocational Exploration
Each Friday, interns learn about career opportunities in various service fields, ministries and areas of intern interest through guest speakers, field trips, and interactions with leaders in the community.

Spiritual Development
Project Transformation Central Texas invests in the spiritual development of each intern. The program emphasizes the importance of community through worship, Bible study, and guest speakers. Interns have the opportunity to participate in weekly worship as well as brief morning devotions each day before heading to the program sites. Interns are given space to examine their personal beliefs through intellectual and spiritual discussions.

Site Involvement
Interns meet with site staff and participate in activities, including at least one worship service at their host church with their team. This is an opportunity to build sustainable relationships with the church and community.


The dates for this internship are Monday, May 27-Friday, July 28, 2024. This includes one week of pre-program training and eight weeks of day camp.  Some leadership positions may require 2 or 3 days of additional training prior to May 27, 2024.

  • Young adults will live in community in housing provided by Project Transformation Central Texas.
  • During their internship, PT recommends that interns not have commitments outside of Project Transformation Central Texas, such as summer school or a part-time job.  This is a 40-hour per week position.
  • Part of the 40-hour work schedule includes community dinners Sunday through Thursday.  These dinners that are provided by community partners in order foster relationship-building with co-workers and volunteers. One night per week, interns have an opportunity to participate in a community worship.
  • On Fridays, interns explore vocations through field trips and dialogue with leaders of various partnering non-profit organizations, businesses, and United Methodist institutions.
  • During the summer, interns may be asked to speak at one of Project Transformation Central Texas’ partner churches about the summer service experience.

Time Off
Each week, interns will have Friday afternoon and all day Saturday to rest, hang out with friends, and explore the city. We also observe Juneteenth and the 4th of July holidays.

$3,000 living stipend + room and board.

Application Procedure
Applicants should apply online. A personal resume and contact information for 3 references are required to complete the application.  After your application is received, you will be contacted to schedule an interview.

If your home church is interested in supporting your summer of service as a Project Transformation Central Texas intern, we are happy to provide you with information on how to make that happen.

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