The Importance of Books

Dr. Rudine Sims Bishop’s analogy for children’s books includes Mirrors, Windows, and Sliding Glass Doors. Books are sometimes windows offering readers a view of lives and stories that may be real or imagined. Books become sliding glass doors when readers feel transported into the world of the story and when they feel empathy for the characters. When the lighting is just right, books can be mirrors when readers see their own lives reflected in the pages.

When children, especially children of color, do not see themselves reflected in the books they read or the image given that represents them is presented negatively, it can inhibit their self esteem and growth. For all children, when there is a lack of literature that shows the diversity of experience and culture in the world, they can have trouble understanding others across difference.

At Project Transformation, we want to make sure that the books we put in our libraries reflect the many students who participate in our programs- as mirrors, windows, and sliding glass doors. Please feel free to donate your favorite book- we ask that it’s in good condition- or choose a book from our Summer Wishlist. Your help enables us to not only develop strong readers, but strong children of character, confidence, and care for others.