Below are some frequently asked questions about the internship. Please email smeadors@ptarkansas.org for further information.

Summer Internship FAQs

  • Is this a paid internship?
  • Yes! Leaders on the service track receive $3,250 in compensation. Leaders on the ministry track receive $3750 in compensation along with room and board. This amount is before taxes and is received every other week.
  • What is the difference in the ministry track and service track?
  • The ministry track requires living in intentional Christian community and participating in additional worship and community experiences. The service track is geared toward those individuals who would prefer to stay at home. These tracks are compensated differently.
  • Can I take a summer class at the same time? Or work an additional job part time?
  • It is not recommended. Project Transformation summer leaders must commit to full-time service during the internship namely 8am-4pm availability. The time commitment to our program is difficult to manage with any class or part-time job.
  • Do I get any time off?
  • Yes, each week, interns have Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon off..
  • Do we get Juneteenth and the 4th of July off?
  • Yes, we observe the July 4th holiday and Juneteenth.
  • Does Project Transformation provide transportation to/from intern housing and the program sites? Do I need to bring a car?
  • Project Transformation encourages carpooling for those living in community housing. Milage reimbursement is available for certain activities, but not for daily commute. This means you are not required to bring a car, but are welcome to bring one.
  • Can I bring my musical instrument or art supplies with me?
  • Yes, please do! Your instruments and art supplies will be a great asset to the worship experience with your fellow interns as well as possibly at camp with the kids.
  • Are housing and meals provided?
  • Yes, if you choose the ministry track. Housing is provided locally. If you choose the service track, you must provide your own housing in and around Pine Bluff.
  • What is your policy on cell phones?
  • During program hours and meetings, the cell phone must not be used for personal calls, texts, or other purposes. Still, we see phones as a tool that can be utilized to benefit teamwork and a learning environment.
  • What items should I not bring for the summer?
  • Do not bring mini-refrigerators, microwaves, candles, or extension cords. Electronics can be brought at your own risk.
  • What if I don’t have a home church?
  • Having a home church has no bearing on your participation as an intern. However, PT is strongly supported by churches throughout the Arkansas Conference of the United Methodist Church, and you may be linked to a partner church in central Arkansas to support you during your internship.
  • Do I have to attend worship at my host church each Sunday?
  • No, you do not have to attend worship at the host church every Sunday. You will be expected to attend an introduction service the first week. However, your involvement in the host church not only helps you understand who you serve with, but encourages the children in our program to attend church as well.
  • Can I get time off for weddings, special circumstances, etc? How should I request it?
  • Taking additional time off is not encouraged since your teammates and the children at camp are depending on you. However, getting time off for special events is possible. You must make a request to staff as soon as you know the dates. Time off is granted depending on the nature of the activity and adequate advance notice. We recommend that such requests are discussed during the interview process, whenever possible.
  • Can my friends/family visit me at the house or program site?
  • Yes, family and friends are encouraged to volunteer at the site. They also may tour your housing. However, it is important that intern housing be a place of community for the interns. We do not permit guests to stay overnight and will not provide meals for guests. .