Thank you for taking the time to learn more about Project Transformation. If you’ve been moved by what you’ve seen, we ask for your financial support in caring for the participants we serve.

Here are some ways your gift makes a difference.

  • $10 – Provide a Book for a Child
  • $25 – Provide a Week of Art Supplies for a Camp Site
  • $50 – Sponsor a Child for a Week of Summer Camp
  • $100 – Provide 10 Books for a Camp Site Library
  • $250 – Sponsor an Intern for a Week
  • $500 – Sponsor a Camp Site for a Week
  • $1000 – Provide Housing for an Intern for the Summer
  • $2000 – Sponsor an Intern for the Summer
  • $5000 – Sponsor a Camp Site for the Summer

donate now

Whatever level you choose to give, know that it means a life is transformed, through experiences shared, meals served, or love given.

Thank you for your support of Project Transformation.

Contact us with any questions at or 817-531-6540.