Under the leadership of PT alumni and through the support of local United Methodist churches and conferences, Project Transformation has grown to provide programming for nearly 370 young adults and over 3,200 children annually in 43 host churches and communities. Programs are operated through seven affiliated Project Transformation Chapters in Arkansas, Central Texas, North Texas, OklahomaRio TexasTennessee, and Washington DC.

Following the successful replication of the original Dallas-based program in other cities and through the support of the Young Clergy Initiative of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, a national organization was created in 2015 to facilitate the sustainable replication of the PT model and support the continued growth and development of chapters.

PT has helped to equip me with the skills,
connections, and resources to prepare me to
recognize my vocational calling.
- PT Tennessee Alumnus

We are excited to continue to expand Project Transformation’s model of ministry in new places! New chapters are created in collaboration with local church and community leaders along with interested PT alumni and are approved by the Project Transformation National board of directors. Please review Project Transformation’s Guideposts for New Chapter Development and contact Eric Lindh in the PT National office to learn more about starting a new chapter of Project Transformation.