The work of Project Transformation has never been more needed. Combatting the economic disparities apparent in the digital divide so that all children and families have internet access ensures the opportunity for all children to succeed. Promoting and working for race, equity and inclusion for college students so that the ability to attain a college degree or professional certification doesn’t leave a student overwhelmed with debt and unable to succeed. Continuing to walk beside churches in their understanding of justice and work towards it so that no matter your zip code, or color, or economic class, or any other factor you are not stopped from having equitable opportunity. This, and more, is the work of Project Transformation!

In a pandemic that economically and educationally disproportionately affects people of color and in a time of progress through actively fighting racism, we have a chance to make a lasting difference. Let’s not let this chance pass us by. Jesus gave us such a great example of what inclusion looks like. The model and example are clear. By fighting for neighbor, I serve Jesus. This can be hard because it causes us to look closely at the privileges we have that others do not. That is what systemic oppression is. A blatantly apparent example of systemic racism is the redlining that happened in each community we serve and the way that has simply not allowed the same opportunities in those neighborhoods. Upstream solutions are needed through policy changes and redistribution of resources. But those alone won’t solve it. We must also work downstream by reading with a child, giving out fun and educational supplies, providing food, offering a paid summer internship, creating space for deep relationships with people not like us, and so much more. All of this, in concert, can make a difference. Please don’t give up or grow weary.

I would love to buy you a cup of coffee (maybe virtually for the foreseeable future) and share with you the work we are doing. We are so far from finished in this work at PT, but we are committed to the journey. Thank you for walking alongside us in this crucial work.

Kercida, CEO