Be an Investor in building intentional community.
You can make a one time gift or a 2 to 3 year pledge to build a nurturing and permanent home for Project Transformation Interns and community guests. During the summer, the dorm style, fun, college-friendly, housing will host up to 54 interns. The space will then be converted to lodging for philanthropic visitors in the fall and spring.
You can also contribute to the PT Home by purchasing items and supplies needed to complete the space. Make a purchase by shopping our wishlist here!

Enter the total amount you want to contribute below. When you click donate it will prompt you how you want to pay this amount (One Time or Monthly Installments). If you prefer to mail a check, please complete our pledge form here.
Thank you so much for your contribution and for being an Investor in building intentional community!
Thank you to our Capital Campaign Sponsors!