School Year Volunteer Opportunities

After School Program Reading Buddy with PT After School Reading All Stars

Tuesdays and Thursdays 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM

Reading Allstars virtual sessions for K-5 take place on Zoom. Volunteers read with 2 children for 30 minutes each. During Reading Allstars virtual sessions volunteers listen to participants read, ask questions, and offer strategies for reading help. Volunteers and the PT staff work to help participants maintain or improve their reading level and love of literacy throughout the school year. The Reading Allstars virtual program runs from September 12th – December 14th 2023 and then January 9th – May 9th 2024.

Sign up here to be a Virtual Reading Buddy!

How it Works:

Participants in grades K – 5th grades will join the Zoom meeting in a quiet place ready to read. Project Transformation will email volunteers digital books before the session that are on the participant’s reading level. Volunteers and participants will read in a Zoom breakout room. Volunteers will share their screen so both volunteers and participants can see the provided digital text. Volunteers will listen to participants read, offer encouragement and strategies, and ask comprehension questions.

Volunteer Requirements:

  • Individuals interested in volunteering will need a laptop or computer, an understanding of Zoom, and the ability to share their screen while volunteering.
  • All volunteers must complete the Virtual Reading Buddy training prior to their registration being approved. This is a digital training that will be emailed to volunteers when they register. The training shares information about the mission and programs of Project Transformation as well as session logistics including information about how to utilize digital books during the session.
  • If you were a summer and/or an online Reading Buddy last school year, training may be optional.
  • Volunteers who are 18+ must clear a background check before their registration is approved. High school volunteers are welcome (there is no background check for volunteers under 18).

Two PT staff members will be on every Zoom session to ensure the safety of the participants and volunteers. The Zoom information as well as a digital Tips and Tricks document will be provided to all volunteers via email once they have completed training and cleared the background check. Digital books to be used during each session are emailed to volunteers before each volunteer session.

PT Home Office Volunteer (San Antonio)

Mondays – Thursdays 10 am – 12 pm or 2 pm – 4 pm

Office volunteers will support PT by assisting with organizational and clerical tasks. The main ongoing opportunity will be sorting and leveling book donations. If all the books are sorted and leveled, volunteers will put together the reading folders for volunteers to utilize during PT’s summer program. Volunteers will also periodically have other tasks such as preparing a mailing or helping with special projects.

Sign-up here to be an Office Volunteer

Have questions? Email