Project Transformation National’s board of directors recently voted to approve a new chapter of Project Transformation. PT Arkansas will launch its first summer program in 2022 with 16 young adults participating in ministry-exploration internships while serving over 100 children at two host churches in Pine Bluff, AR.

PT Arkansas is currently accepting applications for a Program Director.

With the addition of PT Arkansas, Project Transformation will be operating in nine affiliated chapters across eight states, with hundreds of young adults serving in the program annually, leading summer children’s programs and exploring their God-given purpose as servant leaders.

We are grateful for the leadership, vision, and support from so many PT alumni, church and community leaders in Arkansas that led to the launch of this new chapter of Project Transformation. We look forward to working with the Arkansas chapter in alleviating poverty in the Pine Bluff community, building relationships that extend across racial and socio-economic boundaries, and supporting young people in their development as servant leaders and discernment of God’s call on their lives.