If you are a college-age young adult who is seeking to discover your calling through giving yourself to others and reflecting on how God can use your gifts and passions to live a life of purpose, then Project Transformation is for you!
Through building relationships with children and youth, leading summer day camps or after-school programs, living in intentional community, and exploring a variety of vocational paths in ministry and service, young adults who serve with Project Transformation leave the program forever changed. They grow as servant leaders, experience racial and socio-economic diversity, develop life-long relationships, and discern where God is calling them to be in ministry and service to the world.
Each of our seven chapters are seeking applicants to serve this coming summer or for a full year. To learn more or apply, click on the location of interest below:
PT Arkansas
PT Central Texas
PT North Texas
PT Oklahoma
PT Rio Texas
PT Tennessee
PT Washington DC
Has seminary education ever crossed your mind? Serving an internship with Project Transformation not only helps clarify a call to ministry, but its national partnerships also offer a financial pathway to get to and through seminary! Project Transformation alumni have exclusive access to special scholarships and early admission decision consideration from four renowned institutions. More info can be found here: PT-Seminary Partnerships.