Thanks to a generous donor, Wesley Theological Seminary is pleased to announce the availability of additional scholarship funds for Fall 2017 entering full-time master’s students who have a connection to Project Transformation. Young adults who have served as summer or year-round staff/interns between 2007-2017 and who have an undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or above will automatically be considered for at least a $5000/year scholarship and a $2500 housing stipend. Following are the qualifications:
Also, we are pleased to announce that a few spots remain in our elite Fellows Program! Open to full-time Master of Divinity students, the Fellows Program offers a 3-year specialized, cohort-based experience that allows students hands-on experience with research, mentoring by community leaders, internships, and capstone projects. After a common first year experience to learn about community organizations, asset-based community development, and diverse ministries in Washington, DC, fellows will have the opportunity to specialize in urban ministry, missional ministry, or public theology for their second and third year experiences, including unique internship opportunities in those fields.
For more information, contact the admissions office at or 202-885-8659. Apply today at!