This week, we are excited to highlight Project Transformation Tennessee and the creative ways their chapter lives out our core value of Intentional Community.
Though we live in an increasingly disconnected society, Project Transformation consistently finds new ways of creating connections and a sense of community. We create welcoming spaces where unlikely relationships often form.
This summer was no exception at PT Tennessee in Memphis, when the Stitches of Hope sewing ministry from Covenant United Methodist Church spent their day teaching PT children how to sew!
“Every day working at Project Transformation I find a reason to smile,” said Rebekah Hedges, PT Program Quality Coach. “Sometimes it’s stepping into something uncomfortable, like helping two kids who have a disagreement forgive each other and work it out. And sometimes it’s something like seeing experienced seamstresses share their passion for sewing and teach it to children.”
We are grateful for the hundreds of partner churches, like Covenant UMC, who invest in children, and in doing so, weave together a beautiful new community.