three challenges

Project Transformation addresses three, distinct, yet interrelated needs:

College-age young adults are increasingly seeking ways to find their purpose, passion, and call. Too few are discerning and responding to calls to ministry. Only about 5 percent of UMC leadership is younger than age 35.
The achievement gap continues to grow for children from low-income communities. Addressing the academic "summer slide" remains a significant challenge.

Reading proficiency is a key predictor of a child’s future success. Yet, 80% of low-income children are behind grade level in reading.
Less than 10% of the United Methodist Church's U.S. membership is made up of minorities. But by 2042, the census projects that the U.S. will be a majority-minority country.

Many churches in low-income communities are becoming increasingly disconnected from their neighbors and struggle to reach the growing diverse populations.


Project Transformation provides leadership development and ministry exploration experiences for college-age young adults. In turn, young adults invest in children by implementing holistic out-of-school time programs with a focus on literacy, social-emotional, and spiritual development. Churches in underserved communities host our out-of-school time programs, reconnecting and building relationships with their neighbors.

As a result, Project Transformation equips young adults for leadership in the church and the world, empowers children to achieve their God-given potential, and supports churches in developing more relevant outreach ministry.