Young Adult Highlight: Yasmine

Tell us about yourself!

My name’s Yasmine and I’ve served with Project Transformation Tennessee and North Texas. I’ve been a Site Coordinator multiple times, a Program Quality Coach, a House Pastor and served multiple terms with the Afterschool Program. This year I’ll be a Site Coordinator at Chapel Hill Prep! I got the “PT bug” really bad and I just really love everything PT does for students and families and interns.

What is one of your favorite memories from PT?

One of my favorite memories is Grand Finale Week when I get to go to Urban Camp and see all the members and kids engaged in really fun activities.

What are you looking forward to this afterschool year?

This school year I’m looking forward to growing with the participants and their families and just having fun!

What does PT mean to you?

PT to me means a community where three diverse groups of people get to come together for one common goal of helping students succeed!