2024 Summer Volunteer Opportunities

Here at PTNT, we believe in empowering each other by engaging with the community through our program and inviting volunteers to help support. We would love for you to be a part of our great mission in transforming communities through purposeful relationships. For more information on volunteering please email the Volunteer and Church Engagement Manager, Marcos Gonzales, at gonzales@ptnorthtexas.org

Bookworm Buddies/Reading 

Read with children during program hours at one of our host churches. These opportunities are generally available every Monday – Thursday from 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. during our Summer Program.

Bring Dinner to College-aged PTNT Corps Members

Support our PTNT Corps Members by providing a dinner meal during the summer. These dinners are a great way to be involved as it provides a time and place for church members and/or partners to connect with our PTNT Corps Members. These opportunities will generally be available every Sunday, Monday, Tuesday (optional RSVP) and Thursday of the summer.

Family Fun Nights

Family Fun Nights are events that will happen twice at every site this summer on a Thursday night. These nights provide a fun space for all who are involved at PT to engage with one another. Volunteers are often needed to lead different themed games and activities or may be asked to help serve food or help in cleaning or setting up. 

Talk About God (TAG) Time

With the guidance of a pre-written lesson for grade levels 1st-5th or 6th-8th grade, volunteers will lead our component providing exploration of faith during program hours from 10:00 – 10:45 a.m. We will have this opportunity at all sites.

Sign Up to Volunteer


Donating Supplies (ongoing)

We have curated an Amazon wishlist with the curriculum supplies we are in need of as well as books to refresh our summer libraries! Purchases are conveniently delivered to the PTNT office.


2024-2025 Afterschool Volunteer Opportunities

Our afterschool program for elementary students operates at two site churches in the Dallas area Monday – Thursday, and we need volunteer support with the following activities:

Afterschool Program Activities (Tues & Thurs, 4-6 pm)

  • Homework tutoring in reading and math
  • Lead an arts and crafts project
  • Teach a special afternoon activity or help children learn a new skill

Donating Supplies (ongoing)

  • It’s back to school time! This is the best time of year to collect much needed supplies for our programs! Most needed supplies include construction paper, glue sticks, safety scissors, pencils, washable paint sets, tape, markers, hand sanitizer, and educational flash cards. Please see our complete wish list for more needs.

Family Fun Nights (twice per semester)

  • Family Fun Nights are a great volunteer opportunity for groups! They happen twice a semester during the school year and each month during the summer at each of our sites. This is an evening of fun for the children and parents in our programs. Volunteers are needed to provide meals and assist with activities.