Our service experience for young adults offers hands-on opportunities to build mutually enriching relationships with children and youth, live in intentional community, experience servant leadership, and explore various careers in ministry and service.
General Details:
Wondering what the steps are to serving with Project Transformation North Texas? Here are some things to expect as you complete the application process to serve as an AmeriCorps member with us.
View the application questions, interview questions and on-boarding process here!
Afterschool 2024-2025
Summer 2025
Visit our FAQ page or contact Andrea at gordon@ptnorthtexas.org
See details about our opportunities below.
Click here to view all of our paid service opportunities
Summer of Service (May 2025 – August 2025) – Applications OPEN OCTOBER 1st! It’s a 10 week commitment (45 hr/wk) working on a team delivering summer daycamp programming for 1st-12th grade participants.
Year of Service (September 2024 – August 2025) – Applications CLOSED! It’s the After School Program + the Summer Program, which = a great gap year and/or recent graduate experience! Full Time and Half Time Options available.
After School Program (September 2024 – May 2025) – Applications CLOSED! Great for work study off campus! Full Time, Reduced-Full Time, Half-Time, Quarter Time, and Minimum Time options available.
All Summer Positions are Full-Time. Programming with children/youth is Monday-Thursday. Fridays are set aside for career exploration. Service dates: May 2025-August 2025 (leadership roles will start a few days earlier for leadership training)
Elementary Team Member – Works with grades 1-5 (ages 5-12), leading age appropriate programming throughout the day.
Youth Team Member – Works with grades 6-9 (ages 12-15), leading age appropriate programming throughout the day.
LITE Coordinator – (21 or older required, Prior PT Experience Preferred; transferrable experience and leadership skills required) Works with grades 10-12 (ages 15-18), managing youth as volunteers in the morning, and leading programming in the afternoon.
Reading Coordinator – (Prior PT Experience Preferred; transferrable studies or experience required) – Administers literacy assessments of each student and the literacy skill development programming for either Elementary or Youth participants, management of libraries at sites.
Volunteer Coordinator – (Prior PT Experience Preferred; transferrable leadership skills, experience, or studies a plus.) Public-relations and volunteer oriented, this role trains and engages with site visitors as well as volunteers. They also assist the Reading Coordinator and the Reading Curriculum Coordinator.
Reading Curriculum Coordinator – (Prior PT RC Experience Required) Supports reading programming for both elementary and youth participants at several sites as well as management of book coding and distribution at sites, and giveaways throughout the summer.
Site Coordinator – (Prior PT Experience Required-can include ASP SC experience) Site Team lead, handles administrative tasks related to their site, coordinates with church and volunteers, and serves as liaison between: teammates, team and PT staff, team and site staff/supervisor/pastor.
Community Director – (21 years old and up, Prior PT Experience Required, with the exception of the SMU Perkins intern) Seasonal summer staff serving as an RA and a pastoral guide for all PT Corps Members at the houses and taking responsibility for community life and weekly worship experiences. Handles administrative responsibilities and also provides general care for members at the housing. Ideal for seminary students or those interested in ministry to college aged young adults, Wesley Foundation leaders, or even those interested in the counseling field. Report to the College Program Manager, work closely with the PT Staff, SCs, PQCs, and members. This is a Non-AmeriCorps role.
Program Quality Coach – (Prior PT Experience of at least 2 years Required) Seasonal Summer Staff. Perform data tracking and entry, model curriculum implementation and classroom management for site teams, reports directly to the Director of Programming and Leadership Development, acts as Mentor to 2-3 site teams during the summer and coach performance for all things at the sites during the day. Work closely with the members, PT Staff, HPs, and SCs. This is a Non-AmeriCorps role.
Elementary Team Member (Half Time, Quarter Time, or Minimum Time Available) – Works with grades 1-5 (ages 5-12), leading age appropriate programming throughout the day.
Reading Coordinator (Full Time or Reduced Full Time Available)– (Prior PT Experience Preferred; transferrable studies or experience required) – Administers literacy assessments of each student and the literacy skill development programming for either Elementary or Youth participants, management of libraries at sites.
Site Coordinator (Full Time or Reduced Full Time Available)– (Prior PT Experience Required-can include ASP SC experience) Site Team lead, handles administrative tasks related to their site, coordinates with church and volunteers, and serves as liaison between: teammates, team and PT staff, team and site staff/supervisor/pastor.
Important Notice: We have returned to in-person programming and would love for you to join our team! If for any reason we are not able to host our normal programming due to COVID-19, we will modify our program to comply with current local, state, federal, and CDC guidelines for COVID-19 to ensure the health and safety of our participants and their families, our staff, members and volunteers.
If you experience any problems with your application, please contact Andrea Gordon, in the Project Transformation North Texas office at 214-946-3600 or gordon@ptnorthtexas.org