Marcos Gonzales, Site Coordinator at Chapel Hill UMC

So I finally got the position I wanted: SITE COORDINATOR. I was nervous, yet excited to begin. The reason why I’ve always wanted this position is because I have the biggest urge in the world to make a difference and I have seen the Site Coordinator position as my opportunity to do just that. Now that I look at my journey thus far, I’ve come to realize God is molding me and Project Transformation is really doing its job. I’m already feeling transformed mentally, spiritually and even physically. God is definitely helping me on this journey and he can help you too. It’s all up to you. Let God be your focus this summer and Project transformation will live up to its name. I can promise you that.


Cady Barthe, PT Corp Member at Chapel Hill UMC

Every day when the kids greet me with a smile and a hug, I know that I am making a difference. When the kids trust me enough to ask me to correct their spelling without fear of embarrassment, I know I am making a difference and growing a relationship with them.

And while I am making a difference for these kids, in return they are making a difference for me. At Chapel Hill UMC, the kids do not let their differences define them, and this gives me hope for the future. I am now halfway through my Project Transformation experience and I can’t wait to see what the next four weeks will bring. This I do know, it will be transformative.


Adriana Diaz, PT Corps Member at Chapel Hill UMC

I found Project Transformation completely by chance. Someone came to speak about Project Transformation at an internship fair at my school. I almost didn’t even go that day and felt more like going home than going to the fair. I thank God every day that I did ultimately choose to attend.

I have never felt so happy and welcomed anywhere else than I have here at Project Transformation. I’m thankful for all the friends that I have made, and I appreciate how this experience is helping me see a clearer path for my future. I have never felt more confident about taking on a new challenge, and I feel much more at peace in my relationship with God.

The final and most important thing I am grateful for is the children. I never had much experience working with a large group of kids, and I was afraid that I might fail. Now, I can’t see myself doing anything but working with children. They are amazing and I really feel like being a part of this program has changed my life and put me on a much more positive path.